Friday, 20, September, 2024

First of all, it is Uzbekistan who should learn lessons from what happened in Kazakhstan, said the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, speaking at an extraordinary summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

“If these lessons are not learned, according to our intelligence, those views could easily bear fruits in Uzbekistan,” he added.

According to Alexander Lukashenko, the events in Kazakhstan show the presence of an external factor.

“Their script is recognizable ... You don't have to go far for analogies - Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan. Not so long ago Belarus experienced a similar combined onslaught. Of course, these countries had their own peculiarities. But the general style is visible,” the President of Belarus said.

While, he stressed that there is not only external factor that played part. “Behind all external factors, one must also see internal ones. This is a lesson that we have learned from the events in Belarus, ”added Alexander Lukashenko.

“You have to understand that around the people of Kazakhstan, which is close to us, there are too many of those who want to blow up the situation around the Central Asian republics. Afghanistan has been added to this quite recently, ”the head of Belarus said. He also stressed that, as events showed, many international terrorists have accumulated on the borders of Kazakhstan.

It is impossible to solve this problem only within the framework of Kazakhstan, stressed Alexander Lukashenko. “I am absolutely convinced of this that the peoples of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan must stand united to solve the difficult problems that have been inherited, ”he said.

Alexander Lukashenko once again stressed that the unrest has not only external, but also internal reasons.

“You need to understand this clearly. If we do not understand this and will only blame the external factor, it means that we can get a repetition of events, - said the head of Belarus. “Let me remind you that [Tajik President] Emomali Sharipovich Rakhmon has repeatedly spoken about the risks and threats associated with the creation of “cells of terrorists ”and extremists in the Central Asian region, who may wake up at any moment.”

In this regard, the President of Belarus suggested to the CSTO leaders: we need to get together and talk about Tajikistan, which needs support, including military equipment.

“The President of Tajikistan has been asking us for years for support, primarily with military equipment. And we need to do it. So that later it will not cost us more, as with Kazakhstan,” said Alexander Lukashenko. - Almost 200 flights of aircraft, we delivered a lot of equipment. Fortunately, Russia agreed to this. I would not like it to be in Tajikistan. Better to help them now. He will deal with these problems there. This also applies to other republics. Conclusions must be made."

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