Friday, 20, September, 2024

The State Statistics Committee announced the updated minimum consumer spending index (MCSI). This index, used to determine the poverty line in the country, has been increased by 13.2% - from 440 thousand (41 USD) to 498 thousand soums (47 USD) per capita per month (14.4 thousand to 16.3 thousand soums per day).

In 2021, the index was calculated as part of a survey of 10.6 thousand households (in 2020 there were 5,400). While, households participating in the survey were divided into 10 groups according to the size of expenditures, and 30% of the households with the lowest expenditures (incomes) were selected from these households.

The survey found that the MCSI for daily consumption of food (2,200 kcal), non-food goods and services per month topped 498 thousand soums per person.

Starting from 2022, the MCSI will be used to recognize a family as low-income through the Unified Register of Social Protection system.

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