Thursday, 13, March, 2025

From January 1, 2022, the government bodies will not be entitled to demand several types of documents from Uzbeks. This is stipulated in the president’s Measures to improve the infrastructure for the provision of public services and expand the opportunities for the population to use government services Decree.

According to the document, from January 1, 2022, the state bodies will not be allowed to demand from individuals and business entities the following:

- business registration certificates;

- licenses, permits and confirmation of receipt of notices;

- confirmation of payment of state duties, fees and other duties;

- information on securities, on operations with securities, on received dividends;

- confirmation of registration as low-income family or as a member of low-income family;

- information about the paid and received alimony;

- all level diplomas;

- certificates from secondary specialized, vocational educational institution;

- certificates of graduation of secondary schools;

- confirmation of registration in Yoshlar daftari (Youth Regsiter) or Ayollar daftari (Women's Regsiter);

- self-employed certificate;

- certificate confirming the right for benefit of applicants for admission to higher educational institutions;

- copies of financial statements;

- salary certificates for the last 12 months;

- certificates of social benefits and pensions.

While, in the process of providing government services to individuals, when hiring and performing other administrative procedures, state bodies and organizations will have to on their own request the above-mentioned documents and information from the responsible state bodies and organizations through the interdepartmental platform - Electronic Government.

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