Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The Anti-Corruption Agency reported on the findings of the analysis of implementation of the presidential decree on the openness of state bodies. The report at the meeting of the Senate Committee on December 21 was presented by the head of the agency Akmal Burkhanov.

According to him, some governor's and mayor’s offices have not yet performed their obligations to post socially significant information as open data. In the third quarter, this concerned the Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya and Khorezm provinces governor's offices and Tashkent city mayor's office.

From December 1, a live broadcast of the meetings of both chambers of the Oliy Majlis and the councils of People's Deputies were to be organized on TV channels and on the Internet. Meetings of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate began to be broadcast live. Online broadcasts of meetings of provincial councils are being conducted. However, Akmal Burkhanov noted, there are some drawbacks. For example, an extraordinary session of the Samarkand provincial council, which took place on December 20, was not broadcast on the local TV channel or on the Internet.

A public outcry was caused by the decision of the council of the Sergeli district to pay a 35 million-soum bonus to the district mayor, chairman of the council Elbek Shukurov. The session of the council, at which the decision was made, was not broadcast live. The city mayor’s office later explained that the mayor, like employees of other organizations, received a bonus according to his KPI and and tax will be withheld from it.

“We think such questions would not arise if these processes were open to the public. Since the bonus to the Sergeli district mayor was a yearly one, and was paid in the year end for the whole year, ”said Akmal Burkhanov.

The presidential decree also provides that information on service vehicles, houses and other real estate belonging to state bodies and organizations should be published quarterly by all state bodies on the open data portal and official websites. However, the monitoring revealed that some ministries and departments had failed not comply with this requirement.

As of December 10, 92 out of 135 ministries and departments did not post information on the costs of business travel of officials and the reception of guests from abroad. 72 government agencies did not provide timely posting of information about cars, office buildings and other real estate on the open data portal, 18 do not even have a personal account on the portal.

For example, there is no information about Khumsan resort or Gazalkent health center, which belong to the State Tax Committee, neither on the official website of the State Tax Committee, nor on the open data portal.

Akmal Burkhanov added that the Anti-Corruption Agency has developed a draft administrative responsibility bill for violating the Openness of government agencies law. The new article 215-7 of the Code of the Administrative responsibility will stipulate a fine for officials in the amount of 3 to 10 basic values ​​(from 810 thousand to 2.7 million soums) for non-disclosure or incomplete disclosure of information included in the list of socially important information to be posted as open data, as well as violation of the terms and conditions of disclosure or incorrect indication of information.

At the meeting, Akmal Burkhanov said that the Bill on declaration of income and property by civil servants, most likely, will not be adopted until the end of the year. By presidential decree, the system is to implemented from January 1, 2022. The system will still be launched from the new year, and civil servants will have time until April to prepare declarations, he said.

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