Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

The draft Code of Ethics and Conduct for Civil Servants, developed by the Ministry of Justice, has been posted for public input, reported.

The Code consists of 6 chapters and 53 articles. According to the draft, the civil service is divided into three types:

- political service - a type of paid public service of deputies and senators, positions in the Presidential Administration and the Cabinet of Ministers.

- civil service - a type of public service aimed at performing the tasks and functions assigned to civil positions of citizens of Uzbekistan;

- special service - in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan, performing tasks and functions assigned to the military, law enforcement and judicial authorities.

The draft proposes to establish the key principles of behavior of civil servants:

  • legitimacy;
  • justice;
  • priority of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;
  • patriotism and loyalty to duty;
  • commitment to the interests of the state and society;
  • honesty and impartiality;
  • intolerance to corruption;
  • professionalism and competence;
  • efficiency and economical attitude.

The document also proposes the procedure for receiving and considering complaints and messages from citizens about non-compliance with the requirements of the code by civil servants, as well as about corrupt practices.

A civil servant is restricted from:

  • being engaged in entrepreneurial and other paid activities;
  • receiving material values ​​from individuals or legal entities in connection with the performance of their official duties.

Now the behavior of civil servants is regulated by the model rules of ethical behavior of employees of government bodies and local authorities, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2016.

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