Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Qobil Tursunov has been relieved of his post as the Navoi province governor, said the president’s spokesman, Sherzod Asadov referring to the decree of the head of state.

Qobil Tursunov had been in charge of the province since December 2016. In April 2021, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reprimanded Qobil Tursunov for the unresolved problems of businesses.

Normat Tursunov was appointed acting governor of the Navoi province. Earlier, since 2018, he worked as the head of the State Tax Administration of Tashkent.

Normat Tursunov began working in the system of tax authorities in 1994 as a state tax inspector in the Akmal-Ikromov (now Uchtepa) district of Tashkent. In 2010-2017, he was deputy, then first deputy chairman of the State Tax authority of Jizzakh Province and the chief of the State Tax authority of the Navoi Province.

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