Thursday, 19, September, 2024

At the inauguration ceremony of the President-elected Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the new building of the Senate, the President addressed the two chambers of the parliament.

“As you know, five years ago, after consulting with the people, we adopted the Development Strategy. A lot of work has been done on the basis of this Strategy over the past period.

I, as the President-elect, with a deep sense of responsibility for the present and future of our dear Motherland, I want to state that:

We will continue the path of democratic reforms, launched together with our people, and will never deviate from this path! We will definitely build a new Uzbekistan together!

As the guarantor of our Constitution, I promise that the unconditional performance of the requirements of the Constitution and our laws, the full implementation of the priority principle: “Human interests above all else” will continue to be the main criterion of my work.

Of course, human interests for us are not some abstract, grandiloquent concept. When we talk about human interests, we mean, first of all, the peaceful and safe life of every citizen, ensuring his fundamental rights and freedoms.

By human interests we mean the creation of decent living conditions and modern infrastructure for every citizen, the provision of quality medical services, quality education, social protection, a healthy ecological environment,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

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