Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Two 32 MW gas turbine units will be erected at the Tashkent CHPP until 2024, with the Turkish company Çalik Energy will act as the general contractor for the project, the Thermal Power Plants reported.

The agreement signing ceremony between Tashkent CHP and Çalik Energy was held at Thermal Power Plants JSC.

“Çalik Energy is witnessing great transformations in the Uzbekistan energy sector, we have participated here in the construction of modern combined cycle plants at the Navoi and Turakurgan thermal power plants, which have no analogues in the world,” said project manager Zahid Arici. "The next destination is the Tashkent Thermal Power Plant, I think that we will organize the project with great efficiency and contribute to the development of the country's energy system."

The total cost of the project is US$ 109.243 million, of which the funds of the Japanese agency JICA are US$ 81.06 million, and the company's own funds are $ 15.46 million. The contribution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is US$ 12.71 million.

The project will lead to an increase in generating capacities at the Tashkent CHPP, as a result, the enterprise will additionally generate 515.6 million kWh of electricity and 690.3 thousand Gcal of thermal energy per year, while 219 thousand cubic meters of natural gas Gcal will be saved due to highly efficient technologies.

Carbon emissions of pollutants into the environment will be reduced by 200.5 tons.

Also, this power plant is highly efficient, the efficiency of which is 64%.

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