Thursday, 19, September, 2024

On November 3, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), consisting of representatives from 35 states of the Americas, unanimously granted Uzbekistan a permanent observer status.

The Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the United States, Javlon Vakhabov, held a meeting with the chairman of the permanent council of the OAS Joshua Fiazho, Xalq So’zi newspaper reported.

During the meeting, the Uzbek delegation stressed interest in expanding ccoperation with the OAS in priority areas of regional and global security, ensuring human rights and democratic freedoms, as well as promoting regional economic integration.

The prospects of interaction with specialized institutions and affiliated structures of the OAS in the development of agriculture, health care, telecommunications, science and education, culture and tourism were discussed separately.

Joshua Fiaggio also supported the intention of Uzbekistan to use the platform of the organization to build mutually beneficial cooperation with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, primarily in the field of trade and investment.

He expressed his conviction that the participation of Uzbekistan in the work of the OAS will be mutually beneficial, allowing the republic to share approaches to solving global challenges and exchange experience of regional interaction.

The Chairman of the Permanent Council invited Uzbekistan to attend the 51st regular session of the OAS General Assembly, held on November 9-11.

The Organization of American States is an international organization created in 1948 on the basis of the Pan American Union (formed in 1889) in order to strengthen cooperation, protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its member countries. The members of the organization are 35 states of North and South America. The Institute of Permanent Observers was established in 1971; currently, the EU and 74 states have this status.

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