Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The State Assets Management Agency presented for discussion a Cabinet of Ministers draft Measures to improve the management system of traditional markets and shopping centers and the gradual reduction of state’s stake in them Resolution.

The document provides for a phased sale of the state’s share and shares in markets and shopping centers. While, it has proposed to close 12 markets and complexes.

The project plans to approve a list of markets and shopping centers, where, as part of the experiment, at the first stage, the state stake will be sold, provided that the assets are brought to a modern form, including the creation of shopping complexes in their place on the principle of “everything in one place”. Last year's presidential decree stipulated that the markets would be turned into centers not only for trade, but also for recreation and entertainment.

It is planned to create territorial commissions to study and solve problems related to the activities and property issues of the markets. They will be headed by mayors.

Based on the findings of the studies, the commissions will have to prepare "road maps" for solving the found problems. They will also have to develop requirements for modernizing markets, creating infrastructure, digitizing services, creating conditions for farms and entrepreneurs, as well as conditions, terms and methods for privatizing markets and complexes.

For the pre-privatization preparation and the offering of markets for sale, a Markets and Shopping Complexes Management Office will be established. If necessary, consulting and auditing companies will be involved in assessing markets.

According to the document, the state’s shares in markets and shopping malls are planned to be transferred to mayor’s offices by reducing their share in the authorized capital at book value based on decisions of the founders or governing bodies.

The project contains a list of markets and shopping centers that are planned to be privatized. The list includes 61 assets, 20 of them are in Tashkent. Discussion of the draft will last until November 16.

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