Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Dry, calm and relatively warm weather is expected throughout Uzbekistan today on November 1. By the middle of the day the air will warm up to + 15 ... + 17 degrees Celsius. The same comfortable weather will remain until the middle of the week, the Uzhydromet said.

On Thursday, November 4, the weather across Uzbekistan will change dramatically. A cold and slightly humid anticyclone of arctic origin will enter the territory of Uzbekistan from the Urals. It may rain in some places, with snow expected in mountainous areas.

No precipitation is expected in the north of the country. The air temperature on Thursday afternoon will drop to + 3 ... + 8, which is by 12-15 degrees below normal values ​​for the beginning of the month.

With the invasion of the front, in some places it is expected that the wind will increase up to 15-20 m/s.

On Friday, November 5, a cold anticyclone will cover the entire country. Precipitation will remain only in certain mountainous regions. The air temperature at night will drop to −3 ... −5 degrees, in the north to −7 ... −10. During the day, the temperature will not exceed + 3 ... + 8 degrees.

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