Thursday, 19, September, 2024

On October 29, an online meeting was held between the chairman of Uzbekistan Railways" H. Khosilov with the First Deputy General Director of Russian Railways, as well as heads of Russian design and research institutes Roszheldorproekt and IERT, as well as the local Boshtransloyiha research entity.

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of further expanding cooperation in the implementation of the Trans-Afghan railway project, as well as the development of digital images by Roszheldorproject JSC along the railway line, using artificial satellites to obtain high resolution.

In order to prepare for the above works, the parties agreed to exchange technical parameters and cartographic materials between design and research institutes, as well as to organize joint work. The parties also calculated the volumes of cargo that can be transported along the Trans-Afghan route in the future, and prepared information on the specific "advantages" and "disadvantages" of each route, which it was agreed to present to the Afghan authorities.

They also touched upon the issue of the future accession of the Afghan Railways Administration to the Commonwealth Council on Rail Transport, taking into account the interest shown by Afghanistan.

According to the agreements reached, in the coming years it is planned to organize a trilateral video conference with the leadership of the railway authorities of Uzbekistan, Russia and Afghanistan.

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