Saturday, 21, September, 2024

The Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov, in an interview to the Russia 24 TV channel, answered the question of what would happen if Uzbekistan became a space of collision of interests of geopolitical opponents. The text of the interview was published by the press service of the Foreign Ministry.

“A multipolar world is being formed at present. If you live in such a world and rely on a one-pole oriented policy course, a one-sided vector, then such a political course will be insufficiently productive and even counterproductive. Moreover, such a course may carry certain risks,” the Foreign Minister said.

“Regarding the rivalry between the superpowers, one must be realistic and admit that it is already underway. Moreover, even between the countries that are considered close allies. However, this rivalry is taking place in the region. In such conditions, the question arises, what are we going to do? We will do the same as now,” said Abdulaziz Kamilov.

Unfortunately, he underscored, rivalry is gaining momentum as the first signs of a new Cold War are surfacing. This is even further aggravating the consequences of this phenomenon, since the situation in the world is getting even more aggravated.

“We would not want competition and rivalry to have any undesirable political consequences for us. It is unacceptable that they put us in a position where, due to taking one of the sides, we will be forced to choose a position that is unacceptable to the other side. This difficult task requires serious diplomatic work,” the Uzbek Foreign Minister said.

“In general, we already have experience in this matter,” the minister added. - Central Asia has always been in the spotlight given its geostrategic location. Of course we don’t want to have any consequences”.

“If we go back to the origins and root causes of the same Afghan problem, it became, first of all, the result of a tough confrontation between the two political systems in the era of the Cold War. Therefore, other scenarios have already started,” the head of the Foreign Ministry said.

“Therefore, we will continue the course that we are currently pursuing. We have a clear vision and a clear concept. We are not going to enter into conflicts with anyone and will always proceed from our national interests,” summed up Abdulaziz Kamilov.

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