Monday, 16, September, 2024

The number of voters who are to take part in the upcoming presidential elections has surpassed 21.2 million, announced the chairman of the Central Election Commission Zainiddin Nizamhodzhaev at an international conference in Tashkent on September 6.

He clarified that to date, 21 million 249 thousand 921 people have been included in the unified electronic voter list. Almost 33% of this number - 6 million 993 thousand 924 people - are young people under 30 years of age. More than 880 thousand of them will take part in the elections for the first time.

According to the latest data from the CEC, 10,760 polling stations have been set up in the country for the elections. Most of all - in Fergana (1203), Samarkand (1111) and Kashkadarya (1001) provinces.

Zainiddin Nizamhodjaev also said that the share of young people under the age of 31 in the constituencies is 9%, under the age of 41 - up to 28%. He added that observers from almost 50 countries and dozens of international organizations are expected to participate in the presidential elections.

In mid-June, the CEC approved the cost estimate for the presidential elections at 300 billion soums. Each party should receive 15.4 billion soums for holding pre-election events, and candidates - 3 billion soums. The election campaign started on 23 July.

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