Monday, 16, September, 2024

The Vll International Army International Games (ArIG) wrapped up on Sunday. The national teams of Uzbekistan, having taken part in 24 contests of the ArIG, won 4 gold, 9 silver and 4 bronze medals and took second place in the team contest after the organizer in the contest, Russia, the press service of the Ministry of Defense reported.

In particular, one gold medal was won by each of:

  • men's team in the contest Faithful friend;
  • women's team in the contest Faithful friend;
  • team in the contest Military Medical Relay;
  • team in the contest Field Kitchen.

In addition, the teams of the Uzbek Ministry of Defense won silver medals in the contests:

  • Elbrus Ring;
  • Sniper Frontier;
  • Equestrian Marathon;
  • Safe Environment;
  • Engineering Formula;
  • Safe Route;
  • Polar Star;
  • Excellence in Military Intelligence;
  • Master gunsmith.

Members of the national teams of Uzbekistan also won bronze medals in contests:

  • Master of armored vehicles;
  • Confident welcome;
  • Highway Patrol;
  • Sayan March.

During the games this year, the participants set 37 records, 10 of which belong to representatives of Uzbekistan, 6 records were set by the military of China, 2 records were recorded by representatives of Belarus and India.

The ArIG-2021 contest was held from August 22 to September 4 in 11 countries. They were attended by 277 teams from 42 countries of the world, more than 5,000 servicemen.

Uzbekistan takes second place in Army Games 2021 2

Uzbekistan takes second place in Army Games 2021 3

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