Saturday, 07, September, 2024

The ceremony of handing over of a mobile diagnostic and treatment clinic to the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan from the Russian government took place on March 10 in Tashkent.

The complex, which is installed on the platform of KamAZ truck, is designed to provide primary health care, obstetric, gynecological, cardiological and urological care, as well as services for the examination and detection of especially dangerous infections (HIV, COVID-19 and others).

The mobile diagnostic complex is equipped with a set of medical equipment for instrumental, laboratory, functional and ultrasound diagnostics. It can work in an autonomous regimen, with its help, medical examinations can be conducted for the public living in hard-to-reach and remote areas.

The ceremony was part of a joint program of Rospotrebnadzor, the AIDS Infosvyaz Foundation and the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS.

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