Saturday, 27, July, 2024

Based on proposals from the public, the core activities of the road safety service could be reoriented towards "supporting citizens, as well as taking measures to prevent factors that facilitate corruption." This is stated in the draft 2021State Program, published for discussion by the Development Strategy Center.

One of the proposals is to simplify and bring the procedure for carrying out mandatory technical inspection of vehicles in line with international standards.

The technical inspection will be carried out on the basis of the principle of extraterritoriality, while the requirement for a technical inspection of a new motor vehicle will be canceled. In addition, it is planned to increase the periodicity between technical inspections.

Another proposal is to introduce a system of state registration of motor vehicles and the issuance of license plates to them, regardless of the permanent residence. At the first stage, such a procedure will be introduced in one registration and examination department in Tashkent, Nukus and in provincial centers.

Additionally, in all registration and examination departments and in at least 20 public service centers, it is planned to start registration (including replacement or issuance of a new one instead of a lost one) of a national driver's license, regardless of permanent residence.

Another proposal is to create an opportunity for citizen overight, including via the Internet, of the process of exams applicants for a driver's license.

A draft document for all this reforms is planned to be prepared by March 1.

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