Monday, 16, September, 2024

The Bill, developed by the Anti-Corruption Agency, proposes that all categories of officials, including the president and prime minister, shall declare property and income.

The governor of Kashkadarya province, former Deputy PM Zoir Mirzayev in reaction to the bill, said that he would submit a declaration of property and income as soon as the law takes effect.

“Of course, the issue of declaring property and income did not arise overnight, it was prepared in the course of discussions that lasted two or three years. Moreover, the entry into force of this law is the requirement of the time. We are ready for this. Personally, I am ready,” Mirzaev said.

He stressed that he supports the adoption and soonest entry into force of this law.

Earlier, the Tashkent city mayor Jakhongir Ortiqhojayev also announced his readiness to submit a declaration on property and income.

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