Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Two modular hospitals with 176 and 24 beds, respectively, have opened in Bishkek and the Chui province of Kyrgyzstan. The projects were completed in less than a month and were fully funded by Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health said.

In the inauguration ceremony of the hospitals were present the Minister of Health of Kyrgyzstan Alymkadyr Beishenaliev and the Uzbek delegation led by adviser to the Prime Minister Mehriddin Khairiddinov.

“Uzbekistan was one of the first countries to provide support to Kyrgyzstan during the pandemic. Oxygen concentrators, respirators and other medical products and light modular structures for 400 beds were sent from the neighboring country,” said Alymkadyr Beishenaliev.

“If the brotherly Kyrgyz people have fewer infectious diseases, then the Uzbek people will be safe. Since about 15 thousand people cross the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border every day, ”said Mehriddin Khairiddinov.

Earlier, with the support of Uzbekistan, an infectious diseases hospital with 200 beds was built in the Kadamjai district of the Batken province. All three hospitals are fully equipped with medical equipment and furniture, the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan added.

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