Monday, 06, May, 2024

Japan donated 800 million yen (US$ 7.3 million) worth of road construction equipment to Uzbekistan as part of the government's Economic and Social Development Program.

The handover ceremony took place on 18 December, at which were present the Ambassador of Japan Yoshinori Fujiyama and Deputy Minister of Transport/Chairman of the Committee for Roads of Uzbekistan Abdurahmon Abduvaliev.

The Japanese Embassy in Tashkent added that 16 units of road repair equipment made in Japan, including 1 road stabilizer, 2 vibration single-drum rollers, 3 vibration tandem rollers, 4 rollers with pneumatic tires and other machineies, will be delivered to rural areas of Syrdarya, Jizzakh, Khorezm provinces and Karakalpakstan.

Most of the roads in the rural areas of these regions are still unpaved, which often causes problems with floods and landslides caused by heavy rains in spring, as well as freezing during the colder months. Rapid repair and recovery from natural disasters is an urgent task to ensure economic and social stability in rural areas.

It is expected that the use of new machineries will help to significantly improve the process of road construction works in these provinces and reduce their duration.

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