Saturday, 27, July, 2024

Five people tried to steal coal from four freight cars on the move in Tashkent province, on November 17, the Uzbekistan Airways said in a statement.

A freight car uncoupled four carriages with coal from Angren city branch of AMMC at Obliq railway station. After that, the main train continued its way, and the cars were attached to the locomotive for further delivery.

“During the movement of the train, five persons caught on the train carriages and tried to steal coal from open semitrailers right from the train on the go,” the statement says.

An employee of Akhangaran militarized guard detachment of Uzbekistan Airways accompanying the freight train stopped the locomotive and tried to catch the men, but they managed to escape. The search for perpetrators is now ongoing.

This is quite common in Uzbekistan when people jump on freight cars or trucks to steal several sacks of wheat, coal or other commodity.

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