Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction has developed a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, which proposes a temporary ban or restriction to purchase of 302 items of foreign-made goods and services provided by foreign entities.

The Cabinet of Ministers’ draft Measures to Support Local Producers Resolution is aimed at reducing the negative impact of the global coronavirus pandemic on the economy, reducing the factors limiting the production activity of businesses in a number of sectors and industries.

According to Norma, the Resolution is expected to approve:

  • the Regulation on procedure for forming the list of goods made abroad, and also works (services) performed by foreign legal and natural persons, the participation of which is temporarily banned and restricted in public procurements;
  • the Regulation on procedure for granting preferences to locally produced goods (works, services) in public procurement;
  • the List of goods (services) made abroad, as well as works (services) performed by foreign persons (total 302 items), whose participation in public procurement is temporarily banned and restricted.

The draft Resolution is being prepared in pursuance of the Presidential Decree No. PQ-4812 of August 21, 2020 "On additional measures to support local producers."

The draft may be amended, supplemented or rejected.

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