Friday, 20, September, 2024

Over the past two years, 318 law enforcement officers have been brought to justice in Uzbekistan, including among the officers of the Department under the Prosecutor General's Office (3), the National Guard (4), courts (5), justice (7), prosecutor's office (13), customs authorities ( 27), the Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement (45) and the police (170), the Prosecutor General Nigmatilla Yuldashev announced at an interdepartmental meeting on Saturday.

In particular, a group of customs officials led by the chief of Ark Bulak customs checkpoint in Tashkent ,Jalilov understated the price of goods imported by various firms in return of bribes, thereby damaging the state’s interests worth over 9 billion soums, he noted.

As part of the investigation, 311 thousand dollars were found during a search of his house, "received in the form of bribes." In addition, through the criminal proceeds, he built a house on an ​​1/5 acres in Bostanlyk district of Tashkent province, purchased two apartments and one non-residential premises in the Tashkent City complex, as well as a Captiva SUV, Nigmatilla Yuldashev said.

The Prosecutor General also pointed out that Zhalilov had been in charge of the post for four years without undergraduate degree. At present, Zhalilov and his accomplices are now answering before the court.

The interdepartmental meeting was held in the form of a video conference, and was attended by senior officials of the Presidential Administration, members of the government, representatives of the parliament, ministries and departments, law enforcement agencies and other organizations.

Earlier, the Prosecutor General announced the arrest of the former chairman of the board of Xalq Bank and Mikrokreditbank, who is also accused of committing a number of corruption crimes.

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