Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Ministry of Transport has posted a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the program for renewing the rolling stock of Toshshahartranshizmat (government body responsible for Tashkent public transport) in 2021-2023 for public input.

The resolution notes that , large-capacity electric buses produced in Belarus and China have successfully passed tests in 2019-2020 for convenience, noiselessness, low emissions and operating costs on Tashkent urban routes.

In this regard, the Ministry of Transport proposes to purchase 300 large-capacity electric buses (in stages 100 per year) and charging stations for Toshshahartranshizmat in 2021-2023. The supplier is proposed to be determined through a call for bids.

The total cost of the project is estimated at 1 trillion soums, US$100 million. It is planned to spend 325.5 billion soums for the purchase of 100 electric buses every year, and in total for three years - 976.6 billion soums. 300 charging stations will cost about 30.5 billion soums (10.2 billion soums per year). Thus, the estimated price of one electric bus will be about 3.2 billion soums, and one charging station - 101.7 million soums.

The source of financing for the purchase of electric buses and charging equipment will be a loan from Uzpromstroybank for a period of 7 years with a one-year grace period, at the interest rate of the Central Bank (now 14%), with a margin of no more than 0.5%. It is planned to repay the loan, interest, fees and other expenses associated with servicing the loan through the state budget.

In addition, it is proposed to waive spare parts and materials for electric buses and charging stations from payment of customs duties (except for customs clearance fees) and VAT during the warranty period.

Discussion of the project will last through October 29.

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