Wednesday, 23, October, 2024

On September 23, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Education Bill into Law. The Bill was passed by the Legislative Chamber on May 19 and was approved by the Senate on August 7.

The Law, in particular, defines the concept of "education" as a systemic process aimed at providing pupils/students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as the formation of general educational and professional knowledge, skills and abilities, and the development of capabilities. There was no conceptual framework in the 1997 Law.

The freedom to choose the form of education, the inadmissibility of discrimination and the provision of equal opportunities are recognized as one of the basic principles in this area.

According to the Law, the types of education are:

  • preschool education;
  • general secondary and secondary specialized education;
  • professional education;
  • higher education;
  • postgraduate education;
  • retraining and advanced training of personnel;
  • extracurricular education.

The Law stipulates that preschool education provides for compulsory one-year preparation of children aged 6 to 7 for primary education.

It is fixed that general secondary education includes grades I-XI. Children are admitted to the first grade of a general secondary educational organization when they are aged 7.

Secondary specialized education is carried out for two years on the basis of nine-year basic secondary education in academic lyceums.

Professional education includes three levels (primary, secondary, specialized secondary).

Higher education is provided at universities, academies, institutes and higher schools. Higher education is eligible for persons with general secondary (11-year education), secondary specialized (9-year basic secondary and 2-year specialized secondary education) and primary vocational education (9-year basic secondary and 2-year primary vocational education).

The number of forms of education described in the Law includes on-the-job education (correspondence, evening, distance), dual, inclusive and others.

The Law stipulates the legal status of teaching staff, guarantees of their activities, as well as responsibilities. In addition, it enshrines the rights and obligations of students, their parents and other legal representatives.

The Law invalidated the Laws of August 29, 1997 "On the National Program for Personnel Training" and "On Education".

The Law came into force on the day of its official publication on September 24.

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