Friday, 20, September, 2024

Patients with asymptomatic or mild coronavirus disease  will undergo treatment at home. Moreover, they will be under medical supervisionб President Shavkat Mirziyoyev instructed to introduce this practice at the Tuesday government meeting.

As reported earlier, from June 12, the Ministry of Health abandoned the practice of rehabilitating patients recovered from COVID-19.

At the meeting, the President noted that "the situation on coronavirus is getting increasingly complicated." For example, in Tashkent over the past two weeks, 482 out of 551 cases of COVID-19 infection were among the population. In 57 cases, the source of infection remains unknown.

The treatment at home is practiced in many countries, for example, in the UK.

In early May, the Minister of Health of Kazakhstan, Yelzhan Birtanov, reported that, taking into account international recommendations, it was decided to change the treatment protocol and stop hospitalizing patients with asymptomatic or mild coronavirus disease. The sick are sent to home quarantine or to quarantine hospitals, but not to the hospital.

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