Friday, 14, March, 2025

The area of Samarkand city will be almost tripled by 2040, with Dahbed, Jomboy, Tayloq, Yangidargom and Urgut becoming Samarkand’s satellite towns, and the population topping 1.1 million. This is reflected in the Government’s draft Approval of Samarkand’s master plan until 2040 Resolution.

The draft, developed by the Ministry of Construction, aims to increase the surface of housing in Samarkand to 22 million square meters within the next 20 years.

The master plan envisages the construction of schools, hospitals, hotels, retail outlets and other infrastructure facilities.

The project notes that the UNESCO recommendations for the expansion of Samarkand will be taken into account, with alterations to be agreed with the Ministry of Culture and the UNESCO World Heritage through an Impact Assessment Report.

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