Thursday, 13, March, 2025

Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov presented a list of members of the Cabinet of Ministers for approval by the Legislative Chamber, a source in the parliament said.

Members of the Cabinet of Ministers are confirmed by the President on the proposal of the Prime Minister after approval by the Legislative Chamber. The candidates are expected to be approved today.

the appointment of Elyor Ganiev as the Minister of Transport to replace the First Deputy PM Ochilboy Ramatov is probably the main change in the government. It is still unknown whether Ganiev will retain the post of Deputy PM in charge of investment and foreign economic relations.

The candidate for the post of Minister of Culture is the Deputy Minister Ozodbek Nazarbekov. The previous minister, Bakhtiyor Sayfullaev, was appointed senator and elected chairman of the Committee on Youth, Culture and Sports. At the moment, there is no information on whether Sayfulullaev will retain the post of rector of the State Conservatory.

A new post of Deputy PM is being established - the Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism Development. It is expected to be occupied by the current Deputy PM for Social Development, Aziz Abdukhakimov, who already headed the committee in 2017-2018. Since November 2018, Abdulaziz Akkulov has served as chairman of the State Committee for Tourism.

According to sources, the other ministers will remain in their posts.

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