Thursday, 13, March, 2025

The National News Agency of Uzbekistan (UzA) announced the winners of its “Choice of the Year 2019” contest. The award ceremony was held on Friday at the Tashkent’s Zarafshan Concert Hall.

The Senate chairwoman, Tanzila Norboeva won in the category “Most Active Statesman - Person of the Year”.

The nominees were determined through voting on the social networks. Then the nominees were evaluated by journalists and bloggers.

The MP Rasul Kusherbaev won the "Best Deputy" award.

In the category “Most Exemplary Ministry” the first spot was won by the Ministry of Justice, the second was awarded to the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Ministry of Water Economy and the Ministry of Culture took the third place.

In the category “Most Exemplary Province of 2019”, the first place was awarded to Samarkand province, the second - Namangan province and Tashkent, the third - Andijan and Navoi provinces.

The Agency for Public Services was recognized as the “Most Exemplary State and Public Organization”, followed by the Agency for Information and Mass Communications and the Muslim Board.

“Ministry That Implemented the Most Reforms in 2019” was awarded to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the “Best Press Service” was that of the Ministry of Innovative Development.

The “Breakthrough of the Year” was the State Authority for Quality Supervision of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers, and the “Most Pro-Active Ministry in the Mass Media” was the Ministry of Energy.

The first World Influencers Congress, organized by the State Committee for Tourism, won the “Most Effective Event of the Year” category.

The Federation of Consumer Rights Protection Societies won the category “UzA’s Closest Partner”.

“The Bank that worked most actively with the media in 2019” - Qishloq Qurilish Bank, "Bank that has earned the people’s trust” - Agrobank, “The Bank that has become the closest assistant to the people in improving the living standards of the population” - Ipoteka Bank, "Most Transparent Bank" - Microcreditbank.

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