Monday, 16, September, 2024

The Director General of Rosatom, Alexei Likhachev will visit Uzbekistan to discuss the nuclear plant project in Uzbekistan, the First deputy foreign minister, Ilkhom Nematov told RIA Novosti.

When asked about the project progress, Ilkhom Nematov briefly answered: "at the stage of paperwork."

According to him, the visit of the DG of Rosatom to Uzbekistan is due soon.

"UzAtom and Rosatom will discuss how to advance the project and determine when the construction will begin, with exact dates to be set. I think this issue will become clearer during Likhachev’s visit," he added.

According to him, it took a long time to choose the site for the nuclear plants, since it had to be coordinated with neighboring countrie, while noting the significance of the project for the growing economy and population of Uzbekistan.

As previously reported, the terms and conditions for construction of nuclear power plants are in the process of discussion, the general contract has not yet been entered into, as previously agreed.

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