Monday, 16, September, 2024

On December 26, President Shavkat Mirziyoev visited the Abdullah Qodiriy School of Art and Museum, where he met with writers, poets, scholars, and young artists.

The President highlighted some aspects of the Uzbekistan’s foreign policy:

“We are in a process of deciding on whether to join into larger organizations. Everybody is saying various things: as though we will give away our sovereignty ...

No one will ever give away sovereignty, the Uzbek nation will never give it way, no matter who is in front.

The struggle that our ancestors had started is now continuing to this day. But the leading rein is in our hands. We need to assess on daily basis which path is the right one from economic standpoint.

We will take the most convenient, the most beneficial decision for us. We will consult the MPs on who we will go along with. The MPS are the voice, the eyes of our people, the people's pain-tellers. We will consult with our people. If we believe this to be the right way, then we will do it” .

Earlier, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev told Nikkei Asian Review that joining the World Trade Organization was one of the most immediate priority for Uzbekistan.

Also the First Deputy Foreign Minister Ilkhom Negmatov told RIA Novosti that Uzbekistan could benefit from joining the Eurasian Economic Union.

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