Saturday, 27, July, 2024

The Senate at the 25th plenary meeting on Saturday passed the Accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Convention on Plant Quarantine and Protection Bill (Rome, December 6, 1951).

The purpose of the document is to increase the efficiency of the plant quarantine authority and bring the national phytosanitary system in line with international requirements.

An explanatory note to the Bill says that Uzbekistan’s joining to the convention will have a positive effect on improving phytosanitary safety and boosting its export potential. It will also simplify access to foreign markets for exporting local agricultural products, increase the amount of technical assistance from international organizations in the form of consultations and financial resources to improve the phytosanitary system and implement international standards in the country.

The International Plant Protection Convention is a plant protection treaty, which aims to secure coordinated, effective action to prevent and to control the introduction and spread of pests of plants and plant products. The Convention applies to all transboundary movements of plants or plant products.

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