Friday, 14, March, 2025

The Khorezm-based journalist Davlatnazar Ruzmetov died hit by a van on the night of November 7, his nephew announced on his Facebook page. The funerals will take place today.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office, the journalist was hit by a GAZelle van when he was crossing the Urgench-Khiva road at about 11:55 PM.

Davlatnazar Ruzmetov died on the spot from a heavy head injury. The Urgench district Police Department has reportedly launched investigation.

Davlatnazar Ruzmetov, 48, was renowned for his critical stories. He led the Telegram channel “Davlat NAZARDan Khabarlar”.

He had worked as a correspondent for Jamiyat (Society) newspaper. Previously, he was assisntant editor at Khorazm Yoshlari (Khorezm Youth) newspaper.

In October last year, he was sentenced to administrative arrest for public disturbance order after he tried to take video of a meeting devoted to cotton picking at the local mayor’s office.

Tashkent Times extends deepest to Davlatnazar Ruzmetov’s family and friends of. May he rest in peace.

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