Wednesday, 15, January, 2025

The State-Owned Assets Management Agency was instructed to gradually sell out part of the government stakes in a number of banks - Aloqabank, Turonbank, Asaka Bank, Asia Alliance Bank and Sanoat Qurilish Bank, the chief of the agency, Akhadbek Khaidarov said.

According to him, it is planned to sell by various means the government’s 25% stake in Turonbank, 10% shares of Asia Alliance Bank through IPO, 15% - to sell to private investors. 10% of Aloqabank shares will be put up for SPO.

“Maybe we will sell all of the government’s stakes. The preparatory work is underway,” he added.

Privatization of Alokabank and Asaka Bank is being discussed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Sanoat Qurilish Bank - with the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

“Some banks are not yet ready for privatization. For example, “Aloqabank” may be to some extent ready, its shares on the market are higher than their nominal value. Other large state-owned banks must be diagnosed, take measures to improve the financial condition ... Now, according to the schedule, evaluation work is underway. After it, we will prepare documents on privatization and in the autumn we can place shares of some banks, say, Alokabank and Turonbank,” said Ahadbek Haydarov.

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