Friday, 27, December, 2024

The Legislative Chamber deputies passed the Use Of Atomic Energy For Peaceful Purposes Bill in the second and third readings, the Uzatom Agency said.

The purpose of the bill is to create legal foundations for the functioning of state institutions in the field of atomic energy, as well as the introduction of safety mechanisms into the legislation to when using atomic energy.

The bill contains principles for the use of atomic energy:

  • priority of protecting the life and health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, as well as protection of the environment;
  • ensuring security;
  • access to information;
  • prohibition of production of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices.

When preparing the bill, the experience of countries that successfully use nuclear energy has been studied: USA, France, China, Japan, Russia, South Korea, India, Canada, Ukraine, UK, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Argentina and Brazil .

The bill passed the first reading in March, during the second reading in June, the deputies recommended to clarify the rights, duties and powers of government bodies, as well as eliminating reference norms.

A working group has been formed to include the direct action norms into the bill. The group finalized the bill taking into account the recommendations.

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