Friday, 03, January, 2025

Khorezm province man, K. S., was sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison for defamation against a district mayor, UzA said.

The man posted a footage on Odnoklassniki social network entitled Where is the justice?, where he claims that the Khanka district mayor colluded with the State Security Service officers, fabricated a case against K.S. and his brother E.S., and put him in prison.

K.S. added that a land plot of about 15-20 hectares was illegally seized from him and was sold to another person for US$ 10,000.

The chairman of the Khanka District Criminal Court, Maksudbek Kilichev stated that the allegations in the video were studied, but K.S. was unable to provide evidence to his words.

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