Friday, 03, January, 2025

The Uzbek Senate  passed the Approval of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bill at the 18th plenary meeting on Thursday. The bill unites the existing norms regulating the preparation and conduct of elections of the president, deputies of the Legislative Chamber, members of the Senate, deputies of provincial, district and city councils of deputies, and also establishes guarantees ensuring the free will of citizens.

The experience of more than 20 countries, including France, Holland, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Albania, Belarus and Azerbaijan, as well as international electoral standards, including recommendations of the OSCE ODIHR and proposals of the Venice Commission were studied when drafting the draft code.

The document excludes restrictions on participation in elections of persons held in prisons for crimes that do not represent a great public danger, and less serious crimes.

The procedure for nominating candidates to district and city councils of deputies by self-governing bodies of citizens is abolished. Thus, political parties will have the exclusive right to nominate candidates for deputies of regional, district and city councils.

Uzbekistan’s single electronic voter list is being introduced at the legislative level, which will ensure the principle “one voter - one vote”.

In the ballot, the voter is allowed to put only one sign, but one of the three options: “+”, “√” or “X”.

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