Friday, 20, September, 2024

A set of measures will be implemented in Uzbekistan to develop transport logistics, expand overseas and domestic routes and improve the quality of transport services. This is provided for by the Tourism Sector Development Concept for 2019-2025, approved by the President's Additional Measures for Swift Development of Tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree of January 5.

The document notes that “the lack of coordination of the passenger transportation system” hinders the swift development of Uzbekistan’s tourism sector.

The concept provides for the transformation of Uzbekistan into a major regional “hub”.

For this purpose, it is planned to expand the geography and number of direct flights, including to the historic cities of Uzbekistan, to improve the quality and cut the cost of air travel.

It is planned to form a convenient and affordable transport logistics system, including air, rail and road transport, with the creation of comfortable conditions for traveling between Uzbekistan’s provinces and other countries.

As part of the concept, a passenger traffic development program should be adopted, subject to approval by international treaties. It will include such provisions as the establishment of regular transport links, enhancing connectivity between different types of transport, reconstruction of existing and the construction of new roads, connecting tourist centers, improvement of roadside infrastructure (camping, service, public catering, medical and sanitary points).

The measures are to be developed aimed at optimizing prices, attraction of large international air carriers, launching low-cost flights. In addition, new railway lines are to be built and the existing ones to be improved and the network of high-speed trains will be expanded.

The decree has formed the Working Group responsible for fundamental enhancement of the Uzbekistan’s logistical attractiveness, as well as coordinating work on attracting foreign airlines to flights to local airports, with the Deputy PM Aziz Abdukhakimov assigned as the chair.

The main tasks of the Working Group will be:

  • radical improvement of Uzbekistan’s transport system aimed at increasing the trade in goods, the number of passengers and boosting investments, primarily from Europe and Southeast Asia;
  • attracting airlines to promote pilgrim tourism, including the opening of regular flights from Indonesia;
  • identification of new flight routes in order to boost tourists inflow;
  • development of a flexible system of discounts and waivers for foreign carriers in order to launch new routes at Uzbek airports;
  • increasing the passenger load on long-haul routes by creating connecting flights, including during the “off-season” period;
  • negotiating with foreign and local airlines, as well as reviewing their proposals and their rational distribution among airports;
  • simplification of the charter flights harmonizing mechanism;
  • introduction of the “open sky” policies at selected airports;
  • reviewing the regulatory framework to facilitate the creation of local airlines;
  • drafting documents to ensure intermodal transport within the country (bus, rail and air);
  • cutting airline costs and optimizing air ticket prices;
  • increasing the number of domestic flights;
  • improving the procurement mechanism of jet fuel from foreign suppliers to ensure transparency and competition in the procurement process.

In accordance with the decree, a single of the Uzbekistan’s transport e-portal should be created within three months, where it will be possible to purchase tickets with convenient connections (bus, air and rail). The portal should operate on blockchain technology.

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