Friday, 20, September, 2024

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in his annual message to the parliament on Friday declared 2019 as The Year of Active Investments and Social Development.

He underscored that in the next year the projects and programs started in 2018 will continue.

“World experience shows that those countries that conduct active investment policies achieve successes,” he stated.

He cnamed investments as the driver of economic growth, which contribute to the development of other areas and provinces, attracting new technologies and highly qualified specialists.

The ultimate goal of investments is to increase the standard of living of people in Uzbekistan, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Our other top priorities are the development of the social sphere, provision of youth with decent education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, he noted.

“If we ensure peace and public healthcare, then we will achieve the rest,” he stressed.

The President’s proposal was greeted with applauses. “It is noticeable that there are many business people here,” the president joked in reply.

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