Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The Cabinet of Ministers issued a decree on December 15 easing the rules for goods transit through the territory of Uzbekistan. The decree decreases to 5 days the timeframe during which transit vehicles must leave the country from the date of entering.

47 new routes have been opened for the transit movement of foreign vehicles through Uzbekistan.

It is also now permitted to transship goods from a foreign vehicle to national vehicles under control of customs authorities at customs warehouses located outside the established transit routes.

As a general rule, foreign transit citizens traveling by car through Uzbekistan can only use the international road indicated in the itinerary.

From now on, this rules does not apply to foreigners who are transiting through Uzbekistan for tourist (non-commercial) purposes by car.

The permits issuing procedure for transit of special items and military contingents through Uzbekistan can now be done in fast-track mode. The deadline for taking decision on issuing or refusing to issue a permit shall not exceed 20 days (previously - 30 days) from the date of receipt of request and supporting documents. Also, the permit cane be renewed faster. The permit is now valid for exactly 30 days.

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