Friday, 20, September, 2024

Powers of MPs will be expanded in Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyayev announced at the extraordinary session of the Kashkadarya province deputies council during his visit to Kashkadarya province.

"I will unveil even more powers to deputies in my State of the Union address. The President must be able to rely on the people's representatives."

"When I came to power two years ago, I told that the governors would be elected and would not chair the provincial deputies sessions. This will take effect the next year. There is a paradoxical situation when the head of local executive branch chairs the local deputies meeting. He will be reporting to the provincial deputies sessions, with deputies to be assigned new powers," he added.

"There must be checks and balances. Everyone should listen to each other. Otherwise, Uzbekistan will be heading backwards", the president noted.

The president said he would address to the parliament after 20 December.


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