Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Davlatnazar Ruzmetov, who was on October 29 detained by Koshkupir district police department in Urgench city, was released yesterday.

The Kuchkupir district administrative court sentenced Davlatnazar Ruzmetov to 7 days' imprisonment. He was kept in the Hazarasp district police department.

Davlatnazar Ruzmetov, the Khorezm-based journalist and deputy editor-in-chief of Khorezm Yoshlari [transl. The Youth of Khorezm] newspaper was arrested in Urgench a week ago and brought to trial. The journalist was charged of Disorderly Conduct under Article 183 of the Uzbekistan’s Administrative Liability Code for attending a local meeting in "drunkenly state".

However, according to some reports Davlatnazzar Ruzmetov was arrested for investigating about the meeting chaired by the Koshkupir district mayor in which the mayor ordered to school, kindergarten directors and chief doctors to mobilize their staff for picking cotton.

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