Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

Uzbekistan’s Senate at the eighth plenary session on December 13 passed the Anti-Corruption Bill which initiated by the President, the Senate’s press service said.

The new legal act aims at a comprehensive regulation of legal relations in the sphere of combating corruption, improving the efficiency of anti-corruption measures implemented by state authorities, civil society organizations and institutions and contributes to prevention of corruption in all spheres of life and creation of social climate of intolerance to all of its manifestations by raising legal awareness and legal culture of citizens.

The law sets out the basic principles and vectors of the state anti-corruption policy, sets the system of government bodies, defines the mechanisms and focuses on issues of participation of self-government bodies, civil society, mass media and citizens, as well as international cooperation in this field.

For coordination and strengthening the interaction of actors of anti-corruption, the law provides for the establishment of the Republican interagency commission on combating corruption which includes the representatives of public associations, employers and other civil society institutions.

According to the senators, the law will contribute to the growth of business activity and improve the country's investment attractiveness, and strengthen the legal safeguards for protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

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