Thursday, 02, January, 2025

Uzbek PM Aripov signed a resolution on Friday instructing the central and local authorities to draft specific work regulations. According to the document, from now on various level meetings, councils, sessions and other events shall be held only on a schedule, maximum 2-3 times a week and must last 1-1.5 hours. If this event is of national level, then a maximum of 2 hours.

Events shall not be held early in the morning or late in the evening. In all provinces, for many years various inefficient 5-hour time-wasting meetings used to start as early as 5 AM or after 10 PM.

It shall be now forbidden to call for meeting the officials of entities that have no relationship to the subject matter of meetings, for example, farmers or entrepreneurss it has always been the case. Let's say there is a meeting where irrigation of fields is discussed. Such events were usually attended among others by bankers, school principals, teachers and healthcare workers, accountants, financiers, lawyers and even police officers. What does a doctor who needs to treat patients have to do with agriculture?

Also, it is now forbidden to regularly call for the meetings the officials of entities that are located in remote areas. For example, some villages are located 45-50 kilometers from the district center, but farmers and representatives of mahallas (self-government bodies) must every day travel to the district center to attend the meetings.

In addition, various commissions and working groups will be allowed to visit the provinces only on the permission by the government (the head of the complex).

The government said it wanted to put an end to bureaucracy and red tape. All paper correspondence, information and various memos will be reduced to a minimum. Meetings in the Cabinet of Ministers will be held only with the permission of the Prime Minister.


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