Thursday, 19, September, 2024

17 appointments were made at the central office and provincial offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry said. Lieutenant Colonel Saidanvar Saidaloyev was appointed First Deputy Chief of the Main Office of Criminal Investigation.

In Andijan province, Lieutenant-Colonel Dilmurod Ikhvoldinov becomes chief of Kurgantepa district police department, lieutenant colonel Azizbek Islamov - Pakhtaabad district police department, Major Mansurbek Alikhanov - Zhalakuduk district police department.

Captain Uktam Askarov was appointed Chief of the Sharaf-Rashidov district police department of Djizak province, Lieutenant-Colonel Dilshodjon Umarov - Nishan district police department in Kashkadarya province, lieutenant colonel Zakir Suvankulov - Kushrabat district police department in Samarkand province, lieutenant colonel Shukhrat Abdujabbarov - Bustanlyk district police department in Tashkent province.

Lieutenant-Colonel Bakhrom Shergaziev became head of the Criminal Investigation Department, and Captain Khojakbar Abdullayev - head of the security department of the Interior Affairs Department of the Namangan province.

Lieutenant colonel Avaz Muratov was appointed the head of the security department of the Interior Affairs Department of the Tashkent province.

Six new chiefs of police departments have been appointed in the Fergana province. Lieutenant Colonel Ilkhomzhon Sotvoldiev in the Kokand Police Department, lieutenant colonel Ziyohidin Gafurov - Rishtan district, lieutenant colonel Baktiyor Najimitdinov - Besharyk district, lieutenant colonel Bakhodir Kolonov - Furkat district, major Sherzodzhon Ahmedov - Dangara district and major Akmaljon Sotvoldiev - Baghdad district.

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