The number of foreign nationals who entered Uzbekistan nearly doubled reaching 2.688 million, or a 91.6% increase in the first year-half compared to 2017, the Tourism development committee said.
Significant increase in the number of visitors was recorded from countries for which the visa-free regime has been recently launched:
Turkey – 31,966 (+ 95.6%);
Japan – 6,200 (+ 68.1%);
Israel - 3,615 (+ 86.2%);
Indonesia - 750 (by more than 3 times);
Singapore - 424 (by more than 2.5 times).
In June, more visitors came from the Republic of Korea (+57.5%) and Malaysia (by 2.6 times).
Starting from February 10, Uzbekistan launched 30-day visa-free travel for citizens of 7 countries: Israel, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey and Japan (bring to 16 the total number of countries for which the visa-free regime will be effective.) and eased tourist visas application for 39 countries.
A reported earlier, the E-visa system will be launched starting from July 15.