Thursday, 26, December, 2024

President of Uzbekistan signed a decree on improving the system of social rehabilitation and adaptation, as well as the prevention of domestic and family violence Monday.

Its priority areas are:

  • early prevention of domestic and interpersonal conflicts, depressive situations which may provoke suicidal behavior, as well as ensuring active participation of the general public in this process;
  • creation of an effective system of interaction of state bodies, including with the civil society institutions, in the establishment of a system of social rehabilitation and adaptation, resolving of emerging domestic conflicts;
  • engaging civil society institutions into early prevention of conflicts, improving the system of social rehabilitation and adaptation, primarily by providing targeted support to individuals and families in the "risk group";
  • identification and study of the causes of conflicts, including domestic violence, the factors that create suicidal behaviour, taking measures to eliminate them;
  • building intolerant attitude in society to any forms of domestic violence, including by ensuring the inevitability of punishment, supporting those in a difficult social situation;
  • enhancing the legal consciousness and culture in society, strengthen the rule of law in the sphere of family and interpersonal relations.

A Republican Center for the Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Victims of Violence and Suicide Prevention is being set up to this end, with branches in the provinces to be gradually set up under the provincial branches of the Women's Committee.

The Ministry of Justice, the General Prosecutor's Office and the Committee of Women are instructed to present to the Cabinet of Ministers within three months the draft Prevention of Domestic Violence Bill, which provides for the following:

  • definition of the concept of domestic violence with its breakdown into types;
  • establishment of tasks and duties of authorized bodies;
  • implementation of measures for early prevention of domestic violence, as well as differentiation of responsibility for the commission of such acts;
  • introduction of system of protective orders providing for the establishment of certain prohibitions, including to communicate with victims, visits to their places of work, studies, residences and other measures to protect them;
  • introduction of special procedural guarantees aimed at protecting those affected by domestic violence during pre-trial and trial proceedings.

According to the decree, the General Prosecutor's Office will be responsible for strict supervision over ensuring the legality in families and households and to ensure inevitability of liability for each fact of domestic violence and interference in private life.

The Prosecutor's Office, together with the Supreme Court and the Interior Ministry must take measures to ensure unquestioned and unhindered access to justice for victims of domestic violence and that they get full protection. Police officers will be trained for taking effective actions in conflict situations and cases of domestic violence.

The Decree has approved the Program of Practical Measures to Improve the System of Social Rehabilitation and Adaptation, Prevention of Domestic Violence.

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