Thursday, 26, December, 2024

President issued a decree Wednesday renaming Hi-Tech City, the international high-tech innovations business district to be built in Tashkent, to Delta City.

As reported earlier, the district will be located on the territory bordering with the Amir Temur, Sandikkurgon, Iftikhor streets and Small Ring road, and also covers the land plots of the UzExpoCentre National Exhibition Complex, the International Business Center and the InterService International Economic Association.

As it follows from the resolution, the Directorate (construction management company) of the district and the Committee for Geodesy and Geodesy conducted an inventory check of houses, uninhabited buildings and structures due to be demolished as of April 1, and determined the list of actually living families.

The Tashkent city mayor’s office was instructed to organize work on resettlement of families, enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as demolition of houses, non-residential buildings and structures on the territory, taking measures to compensate individuals and legal entities for losses at the expense of investors.

Recall, the site of the innovation district was selected from four locations. The US$ 1.4 billion dollar project is to be implemented jointly with the South Korean POSCO Daewoo.

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