Monday, 16, September, 2024

The chairmen of the Supreme Courts of Uzbekistan and Russia Kozimdjan Kamilov and Vyacheslav Lebedev signed a cooperation agreement in a meeting in Moscow, said.

"We intend to exchange experience on improving the judicial system, skills enhancement and training of judges, law-making activities, as well as in the field of e-proceedings. We are interested in the Russian experience of the automated "Justice" system," the chairman of the Uzbek Supreme Court said.

The parties intend to exchange delegations, hold consultations on the most relevant and significant legal issues, exchange literature on judicial proceedings and others.

Kamilov, talking about innovations in Uzbekistan's judicial system, mentioned the law signed by the President on April 4, which increased the responsibility for the use of torture and other inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment.

"This law concerns the admissibility of evidence. We had indeed turned a blind eye to this sensitive issue for many years," he said. The charges were based on evidence obtained with violations of the law. Now we have put an end to this."

According to him, this affected the number of acquittals. He said that as of June 25 this year 336 persons had been acquitted and rehabilitated.

"Currently, the draft resolution of the Plenum of the Uzbekistan Supreme Court "On the admissibility of evidence "is being drafted in a new version," he added.

Kamilov announced the completion of the design work on the establishment of the Palace of Justice, which will house the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Court Supervision Department under the Supreme Court and the Association of Judges of Uzbekistan.


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