Monday, 16, September, 2024

Sheikh Abdulaziz Mansur has been appointed as the new chief imam-hatib of Tashkent, the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan said. He will retain the post of Deputy Director of Muslim Board that he has hold since 2006, and will concurrently serve as imam-hatib of the Minor mosque.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the Imams of Tashkent in the Sheikh Zayniddin Mosque Tuesday.

Sheikh Abdulaziz Mansur, 74, is a graduate of the Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari (1975-1979) and the Islamic University of Sudan (1980-1981).

In 1982-2006, he worked as the head of department of the Muslim Board, a researcher at the Abu Rayhan Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, the head of the department of the Committee for Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers, the state adviser to the president and the pro-rector of the Tashkent Islamic University.

He is the chairman of the special commission for publication of religious literature under the Muslim Board, the author of many articles and books. Member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy and the Supreme Council of Muslim Scientists.

The previous Chief Imam-Khatib of Tashkent Anvar Tursunov, who held this post since 1999, died on June 13.

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